
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Rejects" Not Rejected

20" x 16'' framed
watercolor on Windsor and Newton Artistico paper.
I am so honored to be accepted into the Thirty Second National Watercolor Oklahoma Juried Exhibition. 64 entries were accepted from a total of 312 entries and only 6 Oklahoma entries were accepted.
`Rejects`, initially, was to be a depiction of childhood toys, but it seemed to have a path of its own. The painting evolved into a surreal work of discarded, broken, and rusting objects. It seems to ask us, to think beyond what happens to our material castoffs, and to think about people, especially our children. What happens when they are cast aside, overlooked, or taken for granted? The beauty and versatility of transparent watercolor enables me to communicate more eloquently; moods, memories, dreams, and questions."

The exhibition runs from October 31st to November 30th. The reception and awards presentation will be November 2nd from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Edmond Historical Society and Museum. The public is invited.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Finished Work

This is "Moon Walk" my latest work created this month. This work was one, that left me physically and emotionally exhausted. This one took me almost a month to complete.
I will be having prints made of this one along with several others.
Instead of diving into another work I decided to take a break. I am working in the journal that I made and bound. I am doing a study of my colors, exploring color mixtures and their properties. I don't have a picture of it yet, since
I left my camera in Pauls Valley. Okla. at a family gathering.
When I finish a rather complicated piece I tend to delve back into study instead of starting another painting. I have several studies that are ongoing at the moment. I am learning the software programs Access, Powerpoint, and my new Photoshop Elements 4.0. I am also constantly learning new marketing and business management skills.
I will study a little longer then get a good nights sleep and start again.

Last 3 Journal Pages

This page depicts my dream garden. I have used it to help me plan my garden which will be accomplished in baby steps. Visualizing motivates me to carry on with my plan.

This is just one of the ways I decorate my pages
to add interest to a lot of writing and encourages me to write more. Sometimes I paint the pages after I have written. The words seem to influence what I paint.

Here is my journal in its entireity. I hope I have encouraged someone else to start their own decorated journal.

NWO Entries

These are the three works that I submitted to the
32nd National Watercolor Oklahoma Juried Art
Exhibition that will be held on October 31, 2006.
The opening reception will be at the Edmond Historical Society on November 2, 2006.
I am really getting nervous, because the notifications of acceptance will start this Wednesday, September 20th. Getting accepted into this show is a Big Deal. It will be quite an honor if one of my works is accepted.

My next post will contain a picture of my lastest work.

Monday, September 18, 2006

More Journal Pages

Sitting on my Mother and Father in-laws patio I spotted a Mourning Dove and several bright orange butterflies. In their front yard they have a beautiful Bougainvilla bush in full bloom. It was a magical morning to record.

I had a horrible headache this day and chose to record it in color.
You see, anything can be depicted in a journal.

Oh, what a beautiful morning.This is what I saw from my studio desk looking out into the back yard.

In a few days I will add the last three pages I chose to share with the world.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pages From My Sketch Journal

I thought I would share some pages of my sketch journal and some other explorations.I do hope I inspire someone to try a sketch journal. I decorated my journal pages with pen and ink sketches and watercolor washes, gluing petals and leaves of plants and bark of trees. I often found that just writing in a journal became boring and I would eventually stop writing altogether. Being a visual artist I need more stimuli to keep me interested in journaling.When a friend showed me a book on decorated journals and papers I was hooked. I combined the decorating and sketching with my journal writing.Most of the following pages are from my vacation to Arizona. Other pages were ideas I wished to
develope or events in my life.

I hope you enjoy the pages.

This was the first day of our vacation and I got the date wrong. Story of my life.

This page is of the Nativo Hotel where we stayed in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

These two pages are my way of recording the night my Mother in-law, my son, and I played the computer games Zuma and Bejeweled. It's your fault Mom. I'm hooked now.
I will share three more pages in my next post.
I also learned how to make a book, so now I can make my own journals. I will have a picture of it in my next post as well.
My artist salon will be starting next month with five artists. We hope to learn how better to promote ourselves as artists. Alyson Stanfield provides all of the tools for the salon free of charge. Check out her website . I will record some of the things I learn, through this process, here in my blog.

Good night cyber space.

Monday, May 29, 2006

It's My Birthday!

Today is my Birthday and I am celebrating it in Peoria, Arizona with my wonderful in-laws. We decided to drive this year. I am glad we did, even though it means we have to cut short our visit to allow for travel.
I packed my studio into a bag so I could keep up with my work. I do this for a few hours after everyone has gone to bed. I might as well put my insomnia to good use instead of fretting about it. I bought a small journal with handmade paper to record daily sights, thoughts, and the usual trip logs. This is my first journal and since my husband prefers to do all of the driving, I am free to paint all day.
I believe I am hooked on journaling now for the rest of my life. A couple of years ago my dear husband bought me a beautiful leather bound watercolor journal, but I have been afraid to paint in it. I just knew that I would really mess it up. Now, I know that I should and will use it. It will be my most treasured posession and constant companion.
I have been calling it a journal, but I suppose it is more like a sketch diary. My paintings are really rough and sometimes whimsical. I use pen with watercolor washes across two pages for each day.
I would like to encourage anyone reading this to try a sketch diary. You can use colored markers or colored pencils if watercolor is not your forte. You won't realize the benefits until you experience it. I can't even put into words what it has done for me.
Well, I am going to get back to my wonderful family. We will return home on Friday, June 1st.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

First Plein Aire Painting Completed in Studio

I finally finished it. I cropped my reference photo to compose my painting and took artistic license as you will probably notice. I did this to try to convey a romanticism of this particular place. The little boy was actually there and fishing off of the spillway. He inspired me to paint this scene. I didn't want the boy to be the main focus, but an arrow to lead the viewer to my point of interest which is the spill way. I hope that I have acheived this.


I just received this email tonight. I hope this is not too late for others to consider.
This is important for all artists nation wide. Please consider this.

From: Chelsea, SuzieSent: Tue 5/16/2006 7:48 AMTo:
director@ovac-ok.orgCc: dmarsailles@cox.netSubject: ARTS FUNDING FEDERALVOTE MAY 18th

Dear Art Advocates,
I found this important issue at Oklahoma Arts Council website this morning. THIS THURSDAY is the vote to add arts funding for fiscal year 2007. I hope you'll drop everything to communicate your desires on this issue to your representatives.

Thanks for your active and immediate support.

Suzie Chelsea
2001 N. Perkins Road, K112
Stillwater, OK 74075
member of SAG, TAG, OAG, Bartlesville Art Association, National Arts Education Association and Friends of the Library

Arts Council link here:

Part of their advocacy report here:



The House Appropriations Committee on May 10 approved the Fiscal Year 2007 Interior Appropriations Bill setting funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) at $124.4 million, level funding as proposed in the Administration’s budget request. The Committee also adopted the Administration’s allocations for the arts endowment money, with a cut of $3.462 million from Challenge America to increase funds for administrative expenses by $1.843 million, for direct program grants by $1.117 million, and for State and Regional Partnerships by $508,000. The bill also sets level funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) at $141 million.
When the bill goes to the House floor for votes on Thursday, May 18, the bipartisan leadership of the Congressional Arts Caucus is expected to offer an amendment adding $5 million to $7.5 million each for the NEA and NEH. The additional funds for the NEA would restore money to Challenge America and add funds to direct program grants.

Please contact your state’s Representatives in Congress to urge their support for the Congressional Arts Caucus amendment to add funding for the NEA when the bill comes to the House floor on May 18.

Find your legislators and senators here: NOW please!

cc: OAG TAG SAG Robert Genn of Twice Weekly Letter
National Arts Education Association

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Portraits, Plein Air Painting, & New Summer Open Studio

When I am not blogging I am busy with creating art. I am posting three recently finished portraits.

The first, "Sweet Dreams Billy", is the finished work of the previously posted wip of my son when he was but a wee lad.

The second portrait is of my brother "A Study of Pete in Blue".

The third is "Self Portrait of the Artist" my first self portrait.

I am a member of PAPCO, Plein Air Painters of Central Oklahoma, and we went to Red Rock Canyon at Hinton, Ok. last Saturday April 22nd. It was windy and warm, but very productive for everyone. I think I will even have a finished painting from this trip.
I am hooked, now probably for life. There is nothing like it and it is impossible to describe. It is something that has to be experienced to be understood.
There are some good trips planned for this year. We are a loosely organized group and anyone can join us. We meet the second Tuesday and fourth Saturday of each month during the spring, until it gets too hot ,then again in the fall, until it gets too cold.
This next picture is what caught my eye for my first plein air painting. I took many photos for referrences to finish my painting.

I am looking forward to our next plein air trip to Hafer Park in Edmond, Okla. It will be May 9th at 9:30am. if anyone is interested in joining us bring your sack lunch, camera and don't forget your sunscreen/block.
Something new for this summer is an open studio at the Midwest City Library's lobby on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00- 4:00pm. (Reservations are not needed) This is open to any artist working in any medium. The only restriction will be that the subject matter of the art contain no nudity. This will start May 10th and May12th.
Well, it looks like I have made up for lost time, so to speak. It has been awhile since I have posted anything. Now that I am taking more pictures maybe I'll be tempted to share them here with the cyber world. My family has been asleep for a couple of hours now, maybe I should call it a night too.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Work In Progress

Here is my first atempt at a watercolor portrait. It is a portrait of my son when he was small. He will be 18 next month.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hangn' Round Town

Hangn' Round Town Please click on this link to access the TAG May 06,Colonies Art Exhibit prospectus. Only members of the member organizations may apply.

If you are interested in being a member you may do this in two ways.
First if you are already a member of some art organization, but your org. is not a member of TAG, they may join if they wish too. You may contact me, to schedule a time for me to address your membership about TAG.
Second, you may choose to join one of TAG's member organizations

Thursday, February 23, 2006

TAG - The Art Groups

TAG - The Art Groups Here is the link to follow the updates for TAG-The Art Groups.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Meet "Woody" Watercolor My Latest Work

This is my watercolor painting of an acorn woodpecker. I loved the challenge of creating the soft textures of feathers and contrasting them with the rough texture of the tree bark. Woody looks a bit surprised doesn't he. I think that is what endeared me to this image. I have another painting in progress of Woody, but his neighbor is gathering up his acorns. The title of that painting will be "Ah Nuts!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

P.A. Pearson's Artistic Journey and My Shameless Self Promoting!

One of My Favorite Art Biz Marketing Newsletters

I am finished with writing and answering my emails for the night and had a little time to read one of my favorite newsletters.

I subscribe to Alyson Standfield's art marketing newsletter. The url is She has quite a bit of info and resources for artists on her site. It is worth your time to look at her site.

She is offering free marketing tools for anyone willing to conduct a marketing salon. It is a nine week committment for all involved in the salon. I am seriously considering the offer of starting a marketing salon for no more than three other people and myself. I will start a campaign to recruit the three in the next few weeks. I have some planning to do before I start. It really sounds like a good way to learn some valuable self marketing for my career. I just have to be sure that the people I recruit are as serious and committed as I am or it won't work.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Welcome to my studio. I spend an average of 8 hrs. a day here. Posted by Picasa
I ran into Sue Clancy ,Norman artist, at Borders Bookstore in Norman last night. We had a wonderful visit, of course about art and self marketing. She is a world of knowledge. If you ever get the chance to hear one of her lectures, do so. You won't be sorry. In our discussion I learned that "Shamless Self Promotion" is a book title. It is suppose to be a good book for artists that want to promote themselves and their work. I will have to read it and then will report here about it. To shorten the story, I felt that I had to change the title of my blog , so I added the "My".

Sue will be one of the panelist of the ASK workshop, "Creative Marketing" Defining your Style". It will be Saturday, February 18,2006, at the Ponca City Artspace, 319 W. Grand Ave, Ponca City. All workshops are $20.00 ($15. for OVAC members), $5. discount for early registration. Scholarships available. Register online or 405.232.6991.

Sue is also in a group exhibit titled, "The Smile Show". The artists are Stuart Asprey, Ruth Ann Borum, Sue Clancy, Joe Slack, Rob Smith, and Clint Stone. The exhibit is at Northern Oklahoma College. It started Jan. 17th and will continue through Feb. 28th. The opening reception is Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, 5:30-7:30pm.

My closing note is a tip I received from Sue. Include galleries and museums in your mailing list. Send them an invitation to all your exhibits, follow up with your marketing postcard featuring your art and contact information, then when they are soliciting for portfolios you submit yours. When they get to yours, your name is somewhere in their memory.